little known fact: i attempted to use this song to flirt with my girlfriend back before we were dating! (chicks dig feminists amirite?)
Friday, April 3, 2009
hey its the weekend!
little known fact: i attempted to use this song to flirt with my girlfriend back before we were dating! (chicks dig feminists amirite?)
Monday, March 23, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Prop 8? Prop 6??
Poll reveals friends: Blacks, Hispanics
LOS ANGELES – An election day poll conducted by the Associated Press and NBC News last November showed Blacks and people of Spanish origin more favorable to the extension of fair housing and employment laws to cover homosexuals.
52% of Blacks thought gays should be covered while 31% thought they should not. Among Spanish speakers 41% were in favor and 44% against. The general population sample found 41% favorable and 46% unfavorable.
Analysis of data gathered from voters leaving the polling places on election day shows that Blacks and young people were the two groups voting most heavily against Proposition 6 – the so-called Briggs initiative which would have banned gay teachers from the California school system. Blacks opposed the measure by a 74 to 26 percent margin and voters under 30 opposed it 71 to 29.
Results also showed women opposed the initiative more often than men.
Monday, February 23, 2009
you know you have a problem when
Sunday, February 22, 2009
sunday hayyyy
i'm just going to leave this here
Friday, February 6, 2009
and belatedly...
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Transgender MD, etc
Monday, February 2, 2009
ASK A LESBIAN: "Sleeping with Straight Girls"
Straight girls: what is their deal? Can you be a straight girl and still be a feminist? Is being a straight girl a politics or a lifestyle? But most importantly: What happens when straight girls start sleeping with lesbians?
^^^ can u spot the str8 girl?
One little known fact is that straight girls actually sleep with lesbians all the time. On the other end of the spectrum, sometimes you have particular lesbians--such as AJ's girlfriend--who then go and, like, have all this sex with dudes. So is my girlfriend a lesbian or a straight girl? Furthermore, AJ has become increasingly aware of a particular demographic known as "queer women," which is basically a self-referential term that is used by some straight girls who on occasion like to mack with lesbians.
All of this is just to say that the more research he does, the more AJ finds the line between straight girl and lesbian to be a fine and fuzzy one indeed. As a matter of fact, since AJ is fortunate enough to have not only a lesbian expert in residence but also a str8 girl friend who desires advice on how to proceed with sleeping with her current lesbian, it seemed only obvious that I should put them in conversation with each other. (Which is to say that this installment of AAL features not only real live lesbian advice but also the genuine questions of the str8 girl community.)
So, to explore the issue further, lolAJ is pleased dedicate this particular "Ask a Lesbian" to questions about the relationship between lesbians and heterosexual women -- IN BED. Fortunately, lolAJ's resident lesbian expert Nell has a lot of experience sleeping with straight girls and she has volunteered to share her insight with the rest of us. Neway, let's get on with it.
Dear Nell,
As a st8 girl I operated under the basic assumption that all lesbians wanted to have sex with me. Now I don't even know if this is the case! N8ll, how do you know if a lesbian wants to have s8x with you?
str8 not n8rrow
Dear str8 but not n8rrow,
You may not know the secret signals of of the sapphic sect, but you probably know how to flirt. So try that with your lesbian of choice, and see if she responds in kind. Also I think you are using that 8 improperly.
Helpfully yours,
Dear Nell,
How queer-identified is too queer-identified... for the first date?
str8 outta tha closet
Dear Str8,
You should walk a fine line between implying that you've always been a secret queer... and that this is a totally new world to which your lesbian friend is introducing you. That will make said lesbian feel both secure in your queerness and like a player who deserves a really shiny toaster.
helpfully yours,
Dear Nell,
Can I say dykey? All of a sudden I feel like I can't. Even though i did like FIFTEEN TIMES today to describe like everything i did. 8.
str8 is gr8
Dear Breeder,
Your new found sensitivity about homo-slang is endearing, but unnecessary. Go on using it in any and all ways you find useful.
Helpfully yours,
[eds. note: Nell, that is horrible advice!]
Dear Nelly,
So like whaddo I do? I guess I can't just lie there anymore.
Scared str8
OK stop the presses. In a somewhat unorthodox move, AJ's going to take the reins in replying to this one, because it speaks directly to his life experience on the lesbian continuum.
Dear Str8,
As it so happens, there is in fact a subspecies of lesbian for whom "just lie there" is precisely their distinguishing modus operandi. These lesbians are the first cousins of straight girls and are known as "femmes" or "bottoms," which are synonymous terms (occasionally you will happen across an extremely rare breed of lesbian known as the "butch bottom," but that is typically considered a crime against nature). Now, it might strike you as "unbalanced," "unfair," or even "aping heteropatriarchal relations" to have just one lesbian doing all the work in the bedroom, but femmes are possessed of a remarkable phenomenon known as "wiles," which nearly all butches are powerless to resist. As a result of a femme's "wiles," a typical butch is not simply willing but rather indescribably eager to perform all the labor of sexual relations while the femme just lies there the whole time.
helpfully yours!
Nell, what is your characteristically pithy advice?
Dear Str8,
The universal motto of lesbianism instructs, "communication is really important" ... So, you know, just ask your lesbian friend what her pleasure is and... how to accomplish that particular sexual act.
OK I THINK WE ALL LEARNED A LOT TODAY. Adulations and phone numbers can be provided to Nell via the comments section of this post.
Yours in Sisterhood,
Sunday, January 25, 2009
ok srsly wtf
How did this

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Hey I just saw Milk! Or: 10 things the gay mainstream WANTS you to believe about queer history!
- YES WE CAN has MOAR images of homo respectability!
- gay rights = african american rights = ladies' rights = consumer's rights = whatever = &c., &c. (This is why, for instance, African Americans must have their leaders and gay Americans must have our own leaders.)
- If u are gay and want change and whatnot u should definitely get out of the streets and into the campaign office because that is where politics happen.
- The Tenderloin smells like pee.
- DO NOT FEAR: Contrary to popular belief, gay men do not have sex, they just get naked and slap each other's butts while rolling around and giggling.
- oh im sorry were you expecting AJ to insert some comment about the post-Stonewall gay liberation movement and how it evinced a very different set of politics and praxis than can be found in the biopic Milk? WELL UNFORTUNATELY THAT WOULD BE HARD TO DO BECAUSE IN THE WORLD ACCORDING TO THAT MOVIE GAY LIBERATION SEEMS TO HAVE NEVER HAPPENED.
- One lesbian is PLENTY.
- Individually, coming out is the most important thing a homosexual can do in his life; collectively, coming out is the most effective strategy for alleviating pretty much anything that would ever be objectionable to a homosexual community.
- OMG finally we must thank our lucky stars for the white gender conforming male homosexuals of yesteryear because otherwise how would any of us have any RIGHTS and stuff? TRULY I TELL YOU WE WOULD HAVE NONE.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
it is unspeakably embarrassing that it took a feministe post for me to finally see the video for this song which has been around for like 4eva but i gotta say this its simply aj's favorite video he's seen all year. it makes me miss new york so bad my heart hurts like its died a thousand deaths

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
quickhit: <3 internet, feminism <3

Sunday, December 14, 2008
let's talk about the weather
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
AJ gives props: VIKING METAL
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Ask a Lesbian: Proposition 8!
In fact, neither one is significant. Both are simply spectacles distracting us from substantive issues.
Cynically yours,
Dear post-racist,
The most important thing Gay Americans can be doing these days is making it clear to everyone that they are simply Americans who happen to be Gay.
Your in assimilation,
Dear Concerned,
I think the biggest problem is YOU.
Dear Curious,
That's a great question. While Ellen has a certain appeal that comes with daytime tv stardom and really became the face of the anti-Prop 8 movement as people tearfully asked each other, "But what will happen to Ellen and Portia??," I'd have to go with Jane Lynch. She's just got more of a sense of irony, from what I can tell. By looking at her.
Keep reading!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
kwik hitz
AJ sez lolAJ FTW!!

What should I get tattooed on my chest this summer?
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- AJ
- AJ lives in Minneapolis and is interested in stuff that's political. AJ has a lot invested in his masculinity.